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Last Day in the Canyon

We took our last walk in the canyon this morning. We'll do the hot springs once more this afternoon and we're thinking about doing the zip line across the Colorado river. Tomorrow we head to Golden, Colorado so that Rusty can take care of some more things with his dad's estate in Denver and we meet up with some friends and family.

I can't believe how wonderful it's been here. We've seen the bald eagle again, hawks, beaver, mountain goats and big horn sheep. We've seen bear scat, but this morning we saw a sure sign of bear:

While we didn't actually see bear, we did see the big horn sheep we saw the other morning. It's three young males. They seem to be hanging out in this part of the canyon. It's was funny how we saw them the other morning. We were sitting on this rock bench watching the river when we kept hearing rocks move behind us on the cliff. We kept looking behind us and didn't see anything, finally we looked way up the hill (only because the noise kept happening) and there we saw the three of them. No camera with us that morning, but we were able to watch them for quite a while. We've been walking or biking the canyon every day so we've been looking for them, but I had pretty much given up all hope of seeing them again when this morning they happened to be standing on a ledge at just the right angle that they were visible in the early morning light. They are pretty amazing creatures. I think I've only ever seen them one other time when we lived in Colorado years ago.

Rusty doesn't think we'll be back this way for a few years. I'll definitely miss this part of Colorado but it is still sad being here as the memory of my dad is pretty much in everything we do.


P.S. It's trash day today which is why I think the bear was in the area. You're not allowed to put your trash out until first thing in the morning - otherwise it's a hefty fine. I know that they will sort through trash a bear has gotten into and figure out who's trash it was as that happened once at my dad's. The neighbors put their trash out the night before and the bear dragged a bag of it into my dad's yard to sort through. The city came and cleaned it up and then went and talked to the neighbor who put it out early.


  1. how much is the fine for early trash putting outing??

    1. I think it varies. What my dad's next door neighbor told me (he works for the city) is that they take everything into consideration - such as are you visiting; and what the trash was. I believe my dad's neighbors were fined $150 US.


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