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Hanging Out in the Carolinas & Wrong Way Feldman

Well, we're here on the border in the Carolinas hanging out with family. We were originally going to stay at the KOA in Fort Mill, but Rusty wasn't comfortable staying there since were going to be away from the RV a lot so we moved to Crown Cove RV Park three and a half miles away. We love the park there - really quiet and we've got privacy on one side of the RV (something we haven't had in a while). Here's the picture Rusty took after we setup camp:

This park doesn't have any of the amenities of a KOA and is geared more towards long-term stays, but it's perfect for us and is quite a bit cheaper than the KOA. The park looks empty now, but they expect it to be full by the end of the day today as Floridians fleeing Hurricane Irma are on their way.

Since there's not a lot going on for us right now, I thought I would take this opportunity to explain about Wrong Way Feldman. Wrong Way Feldman was a character on the TV show, Gilligan's Island. He appeared in a few episodes as a pilot who never ended up where he was headed. In choosing the name for our blog I did some research and found out that Gilligan's Island loosely based the character on Douglas Corrigan, who was supposed to be piloting a return flight from NY to Long Beach, but ended up in Dublin, Ireland instead. Gilligan's Island took many liberties with the character, you can read about them on the show's Fandom wiki, or better yet, check out episodes 5 and 24 in the first season. I found a teaser on YouTube. It turns out that episode was directed by Ida Lupino, the ONLY woman who was working as a director/producer in the 50's in Hollywood. Anyway, Wrong Way Feldman hit home since I've had 38 years of marriage with a man famous for "short-cuts" that increased our driving time by hours (always way more beautiful than the fastest routes) and for the saying, "I do not drive to get from point A to point B", so it's only fitting that our new life take us the "wrong" way.  After all, you really don't know where you wanted to go until you get there.



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