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Wrong Way LA - Morning Sunrise

I couldn't sleep one morning since Whisky likes to get me up at weird hours to use the restroom and I decided to see if I could get a good sunrise shot. I caught this bird mid-flight with the sunrise smack dab behind downtown LA.

Some days I absolutely love living in LA. The morning I took this photo was one of them. The city wasn't quiet, but it wasn't totally awake yet. I was on the roof of our building which has a pool and jacuzzi. I was joined by another resident who was enjoying his coffee and a cigarette (our building is smoke free). We acknowledged each other but didn't bother speaking. I understand why, I was still in my pajamas and he probably thought who is this old lady up here taking pictures on the roof.

Other days I wish the sirens would stop and the homeless wandering the alleys wouldn't be out of their mind screaming at someone or something at all hours of the night. Those days I just need quiet. It's easy enough to create artificial quiet but I think deep down you know that you're still in the middle of this city that is constantly alive.

Most days I love LA and how alive this city and it's residents make me feel.



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