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Showing posts from June, 2017

Retirement Countdown -2

Well, I have to say it's been kind of hysterical. One minute I think we know what we're doing and we've got this down and the next minute were searching frantically for that one item we know is stashed in one of these damn cabinets and can't find it! We drove a bit longer than we should have today but only because I'm still chicken to drive it. The plan is for me to take the RV Boot Camp when we're down in LA next. It wouldn't have been too bad but there are only two rest stops on the 101N and there was NO space for an RV at either one so on we went. We weren't planning on driving without really stopping so we had to be creative with snacks and other necessities. This is Whisky after we pulled in and got set up in Betabel. From Malibu it was about 300 miles and 7 hours towing the Fiat.  Considering she did nothing but worry about what the hell we were doing those 300 miles I guess she could have been more worn out... Of course, once we were p...

Good Morning and Goodbye Work

Today is my last day at my job. Rusty has been driving me crazy since January 2016 wanting me to retire NOW NOW NOW, but he patiently waited while I tried to finish up everything I wanted to accomplish and to pad my retirement pension with what I call the "Carlo fund". That's so I can buy whatever I want for our grandson without Rusty going "do you really need to buy that". The answer, my dear husband, is no I don't but I WANT to - so now I can. Unfortunately, I didn't finish a couple of things I wanted to at work so I'm leaving a bit of a mess and I can hear them cursing my name as they work on it. Ah, well, that's how it goes. The last one to leave the job gets the blame for everything that goes wrong until someone else leaves. I can't believe I've worked at UCLA for over 31 years and that I have been working steadily since I was 15. I figured I've spent more time with the people at work than I have with my own family. I'm...

The Beginning: Jan 2016 through April 2017

Aaaaaaaaaand away we go! It's been a long long LONG 17 months (I know white people problems right?) sorting through (and ditching most of!) 59 years of accumulated stuff...quite cathartic though really. We had stuff from when we were little bitty babies still hanging around. Anyway on to the good stuff, here's a picture of the view of a Little SoCal Bluff and the Great Big Frothy Green-Blue Sea Pacificus Oceanus out our window from our first day on the Wrongway Road: Not bad... So far the only thing that's gone wrong with the RV was I somehow deeply discharged the house batteries while it was parked in Torrance, so much so that I was unable to start the generator and the diesel motor was unable to recharge them (which makes no sense to me, there should never be an issue under any scenario other than equipment failure with the diesel motor recharging the house batteries) and I had to plug it into the wall. I think there still may be something screwy but we have an appoi...

Art work and some family heirlooms to storage